Deloading – When less is more
“Adaptive changes in response to exercise occur only during rest, thus improper post exercise recovery may cause residual fatigue, and as a consequence the athlete may not reach the supercompensation phase. Systemic residual fatigue carries on to overtraining, defined as a state of overstress or failure to adapt to an exercise load and/or to a drop in performance level. In extreme cases, when not compensated it leads to the overtraining syndrome” (Zajac et al. 20015)
Make sure you follow a programme utilising deloading for better long term results.
Who doesn’t want more results from less effort?
Zając, A., Chalimoniuk, M., Maszczyk, A., Gołaś, A., & Lngfort, J. (2015). Central and peripheral fatigue during resistance exercise – a critical review. Journal of Human Kinetics, 49, 159-169. doi: 10.1515/hukin-2015-0118.